She's Gone~~

Yesterday.. It really different than other days.. I just can't sleep and I actually managed to clean up the house.. It really weird but I just don't know why.. I though I'm the only one feeling that way.. My parent feeling the same.. They can't sleep.. Then as hours passed.. I heard about that.. You are gone.. You were no longer in this world... I'm not that really close to you but I do feel lonely and sad. I always thought that you will still be there.. Going to your old place.. I'll still can see your face.. Waiting for someone to come and someone to talks to.. How stupid I am.. Life does not play like that... I feel how small and insignificant I am.. Death can come any time.. How I wish I appreciate you better.. How I hope that I actually listen to all your stories even it sound unreal and bragging about yourself.. Now I can no longer listen to them...

Knowing about the news, everything seems wrong and many bad stuff happen at the same time. Grass cutter coincidentally smash the car's window by the flying rocks. Something that really rare happen.. 0.1 percentage of probability... However hearing that you had an easy death really make me thankful.. I'm thankful that you died at this Ramadhan month.. I'll pray for you well being in the Hereafter...

Al-Fatihah for my grandmother Che Kah


Anonymous said…
takziah..jangan sedih2 k.
kei said…
thanks... ntah la eh.. x sedih more to kehilangan kowt.. herm~~

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