I want to be like her
Introducing Lightning FF13.
Ok I adore her.
I didn't play FF13 but somehow I really like her. Maybe because of her coolness o.O. I want to be like her. Looking confident and always seems tough. "Nothing can stop me" xD
Ahhh... I always look like a child. People not taking me seriously. Meh is it because how I look? Always getting the same questions over and over again.. "Which form are you now?"
Meh seriously??? I am university student okay. Final year as a matter of fact.
What should I do to be like her? Cool :3
Maybe I should start with my expression. -_-
Making a straight face each time. Ngee~~~ Okay did I look cool? You are hopeless Kei. =__=; Involving with martial arts still does not make me look cool. My friends laugh disbelieving when I told them.
No matter what I do I just can't. I'm just great just being myself. So just bare it my friends haha. Your Kei-chan is just going to be plain Kei-chan.
p/s: apa kejadah aq mengarut ni???? Adeh kemas rumah ler Kei.. =___=;
sowie... terjumpa gambar ni rasa macam nak mengarut hahaha OTL