Hating you?

This few days I keep reading my old  post, the  emo, sad, and many emotions  I feel when I read all those posts. Suddenly I remember back what I am really feels at that particular moments. Just now I stumbled on my old post. "Hating is a strong word". I keep thinking on what makes me write on those post, even I'm thinking really hard I cannot remember anything. I had said we are not perfect and then why we should hate people? 

Then why right now I am feeling that strange feeling, I hate someone. Reading the post again making me remember that I should not hate you. Even I am really mad at you but that does not mean that I should hate you. Someone told me

 "Forget all the bad thing they had done and just  remember all the good  thing they had done".

When  I am thinking back, yes you had done many good thing to me. When I am down you are there to  pick me up. You introduced me someone great to me. For all those thing  I am grateful for that. It just sometimes  you said and done something that  making me angry at you. I'm not perfect to so I don't know  what I may done to upset you. If you have anything that you hate about me do tell me. Please don't keep it on yourself.I don't want our friendship to be ruin again.

I do miss our time together and hang out together. Wish I could turn back time.



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