
Showing posts from March, 2013

Where should I go???

Again... Time to make  a big decision... Too many route that I  can take... Each route have  their own path and destinations..  It is  a one way tickets.. If I make a wrong decision.. I cannot go back...  Decision.. decision... Where should I go?? I need someone or  even a  hint that tell me which route is best for me... Why I can't go to  every  route... Each route is really tempting for me.. I  just want to go to all places... Why oh why I need to decide...  I can't decide.... I can't even  take a first steps towards my future.. I just hope I can  make a  right decisions where I don't  have to look back.. Even it will be hard and people might think that I just  need to stop.. I'll just go on and never look back... I'll try my best on doing what I'm think is good for me...  I just hope I have the courage to take my first steps...  ~Kei~

Custom PC Saya.. :D

Dah lama nk post pasal ni..  Hujung tahun lepas aq dah beli my first custom pc.. Yang menariknya.. Saya pasang PC saya sendiri!!! haha So post ni "steps on how to set up the custom pc" .. Bukan nak menunjuk.. Nanti senang aq nak rujuk haha.. 1 : Casing + Power Supply... Aq beli Modena  GT200... Dlm 120++ kowt aq beli x ingat plak harga dia.. 2: Motherboard.. Aq pakai AMD nye processor so ini  motherboard yg compatible ngan AMD..  Jadi pasang motherboard ni dekat casing tadi.. X de gambar plak yg tu... 3: Untuk port2 dari motherboard.. Letak kat bahagian belakang casing + letak besi (dlm gambar) yang ada dalam kotak motherboard tu... Ketuk2 sikit biar masuk haha.. 4: Masa untuk pasang semua wayar2 dari casing ke motherbord.. Ikut nama wayar tu.. Pasang kat motherboard dekat port yg nama sama.. Kalau pandang betul2 dekat kepala wayar tu..  ada yg ada lubang dan ada yang x da lubang.. Jadi  pasang wayar tu ikut luban...

End Of Internship... What next?

Ahem post pertama untuk tahun ni... Bz mungkin  x.. Idea x de??? Mungkin x... Mood x de?? Mungkin ya.. So anyway... Setelah 6 bulan berpraktikal di company IT..  Abis sudah praktikal dan bz menyiapkan  report tibalah masa yang di tunggu2 oleh semua mahasiswa  dan mahasiswi... Graduate!!! Aha.. So yeah... Abis sudah belajar... So nak wat apa lepas ni... Erkk... Sorry to say.. My future is blank... I don't know what I want to do after this..  Kerja??? Mungkin ya mungkin tidak.. Offer kerja memang ah dapat banyak.. But kat KL kowt.. Dengan tentangan keras  dari emak.. Jadi nak buat apa je sekarang??? Kerja part time?? Who says fresh gradate is  fun.. Its boring!!! I need something to look  forward to.. :( I miss  you hectic life... ~Kei~


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