LDR.. Is it worth it?

Its been like 3 or 4 years.. I lost count. 

Is it worth it? 
Is it worth it to have a relationship with people who really far away?
Is it worth it to have relationship with someone you don't know what they are doing?
Is it worth it to have a relationship with people you see only once or twice in a year?

Honestly I don't know...

What is it like to be in LDR?

It is hard.. We rarely met. We rarely talk. We rarely texting. I don't know is it sustainable? Honestly I don't know. Seeing people looking forward for their date and here I am, alone at the beach. I don't know.. I want someone to talk about my day. I want someone to texting me.. I want to go out with him. Sometimes I kinda forget what he looks like, what he sound like. I just hate when people started to judge us and saying he cheat on me. So what do you want me to do? Drag him here. You haven't been on my shoes so stop judging us.. Yes I do run out of things to say on phone. I just don't know do either he care to listen or not. 

LDR.. I don't want to be in one but here i am in one. I hope that it will worth it. If not.. we will see..



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