Makan Takoyaki!!!.. apa tu Takoyaki????

Yay hari ni dapat makan takayoki yang asyik aq sebut2 beberapa hari ni.. Yum2 sedap owhh.. Walaupun murah.. Tpi sedap XD Disebabkan happy sangat dapat Takoyaki.. nak wat entry psl takoyaki..

Jadi.. Apa tu takoyaki??? Takoyaki tu makanan Jepun yang berbentuk bebola.. Mcm kaya ball la kowt bentuk dia.. Senang citer mcm gambar sebelah...

Disebabkan x berapa tau pasal takoyaki.. Tau makan je.. Nie info die..

Takoyaki (たこ焼き or 蛸焼?) (literally fried or grilled octopus) is a popular ball-shaped Japanese dumpling or more like a savory pancake made ofbatter and cooked in a special takoyaki pan (see below). It is typically filled with diced or whole baby octopus, tempura scraps (tenkasu), pickled ginger, and green onion.

In modern days, it became common to be brushed with takoyaki sauce and mayonnaise, and topped with green laver (aonori) and katsuobushi(shavings of dried bonito). There are many variations to the takoyaki recipe. For example, ponzu i.e. soy sauce with dashi and citrus vinegar, goma-dare i.e. sesame-and-vinegar sauce or vinegared dashi.

It was first popularized in Osaka where a street vendor named Tomekichi Endo is credited with its invention in 1935 under the influence ofAkashiyaki.[1] Takoyaki was initially popular in Kansai but later spread to Kanto and other areas. Today, it is popular in many areas throughout Japan. Takoyaki can be purchased in many street food stalls (yatai) but today there are many well-established takoyaki specialty restaurants/eateries that are very popular. Osaka or the Kansai area is particular famous for it. It may be often sold in many commercial outlets, e.g. supermarkets or 24-hours shops. In addition, frozen takoyakis are even exported to many overseas countries.

Yaki is derived from "yaku" (焼く?) which is one of the cooking methods in Japanese cuisine, meaning "to fry or grill", and can be found in the names of other Japanese cuisine items such as teppanyaki, yakitori, teriyaki and sukiyaki.


macam dalam quote tu.. Takoyaki biasanya diletak ngan sotong.. Tapi ngan benda lain pun boleh.. Macam yang pernah try.. udang, ikan belut, abalon and tadi try ayam + keju.. ahem2 sedap!!

Hah yang kat bawah ni video cara nak masak Takoyaki.. yum2 :3

p/s: ada plak letak anjing kat counter @___@ hehe

Jadi basically.. Itulah takoyaki.. salah satu makanan Jepun XD

UPDATE: ada orang tanya mana nak beli... Yang gambar kat atas ni beli kat J.J je harga RM4.50.. kalau nak yang sedap beli kat Sushi King.. harga.. x pernah try... hehe :)


Zazachan said…
owh yang ni ke takoyaki nye..
kei said…
inilah takoyaki.. haha.. terliur x terliur x?? haha xD
Zazachan said…
aku rase macam penah belajar buat kat youtube smlm..hehe
kei said…
haha video kat ats tue pun ajar cara nak bwt.. mslahnye bahan je x derk huhu
Newsberri said…
kt ne beli takoyaki tu? x bgtau pn..huhu..
kei said…
ehh x bgitau eh?? engatkan semua dah tau hehe...

kalo nak yg sedap beli kat sushi king... harga.. x penah beli kat situ.. hehe

yg nie.. murah jerk.. RM4.90 kat J.J Melaka..(JJ bru)
Newsberri said…
oic..thnx for info :)
kei said…
sama2.. thanks baca :)
Zazachan said…
hurm..aku nak buat lasagna tak dapat2 lg..raya nati kot.korang datang la rumah eh..haha
kei said…
@cik zaza: lasagna penah try kat secret recipe.. sedap2.. haha... nanti aq rse ko nye plak eh haha.. tpi pkai byk jenis keju kan nak bwt bnda tue?? hehe
~mie~ said…
brape ketul la ad dlm kotak tu? kt sabah 3 ketul je..harge ntah brape ntah..xigt XDD
kei said…
3 ketul gak.. harga RM4.90 xD

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