Makeup Review : MAXX' EYE Gel Liner (Face it)

My Maybelline's Gel Liner have dry out on me, so I decided to get new gel liner. I bought this gel liner for around RM50. I forgot the exact price LOL.

The gel liner is kinda big compare to Maybelline's Gel Liner. It kinda hard to bring it around. 

What I do like about this gel liner is it have a storage for the brush. the brush is kinda small and can be folded. The brush storage is at the cap of the gel liner. It have 2 type of brush strokes. 

The colour is really pigmented as in the above picture, however there are some things I hate about this gel liner. First is the brush. The brush is so hard and it kinda hurts my eyelids and made me cried. :( After a few times using it, it doesn't hurt much but it still hard. The next one is the lasting of the gel liner. It doesn't last long or even few hours. Malaysia is a hot country, the gel liner melted after few hours. I ended up having panda eyes after sweating. However, I have tried the gel liner with eye primer and it can last from morning till evening.

Overall, this gel liner is not working for me that have oily lids. It perhaps works for people who have normal eyelids.

- have pigmented colour
- have interesting design / compartment for the brush

- have a hard brush
- have a big pot
- melted easily 

- No. Sorry it doesn't work on me



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