Misconception Thought on IT Student

So 2014 already... Yay!! I'm 24 already.. great just great :(

Anyway.. I have been an IT Student for almost.. 5 years... I have been asked the similar question over and over...

"Can you fix my PC?" "What is wrong with my laptop?" "Why the internet is slow?"

Let me clarify something... I am IT Student aka Programmer.. But I am NOT A TECHNICIAN!!!!

I don't know what is wrong with your laptop.. Go sent it to the shop... They know better... I am not an internet provider... Your internet is slow.. Go ask your internet provider...

What is worse is someone you barely talk suddenly call, PM you and ask about software.. Hardware price... I am not customer service that you can suddenly ask about something and forget about me.. Have a tendency to ask how I'm doing.. What I'm up to... I'm much happier to answer the computer related stuff afterwards...

What is more.. There is something that awesome about Internet besides Facebook, Twitter and Youtube... It is called Google a SEARCH ENGINE.. Go Google your problem.. It will not mad at you...

This is another thing that I hate the most... This is for IT Student... You are an IT Student... This is your major anyway.. Just use the freaking Google and stop asking me question that you will get easily... Not means to be cocky or anything... If you already searching the net the question and still no answer I'll help you... But if you find me as first resort.. Please stop.. Even I have to Google to answer your question...

"Do you know how to code to go to next page?"
"Have you Google it?"
"No.." =.=.. annoying!!
and finally.....

No I'm not going to make a website for free... :(



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