Where should I go???

Again... Time to make  a big decision... Too many route that I  can take... Each route have  their own path and destinations..  It is  a one way tickets.. If I make a wrong decision.. I cannot go back... 

Decision.. decision... Where should I go?? I need someone or  even a  hint that tell me which route is best for me... Why I can't go to  every  route... Each route is really tempting for me.. I  just want to go to all places... Why oh why I need to decide... 

I can't decide.... I can't even  take a first steps towards my future.. I just hope I can  make a  right decisions where I don't  have to look back.. Even it will be hard and people might think that I just  need to stop.. I'll just go on and never look back... I'll try my best on doing what I'm think is good for me... 

I just hope I have the courage to take my first steps... 



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