Thank you..

Dear to bear bear..

Thank you  for accepting who I  am...
Thank you for being there when I  am lost...
Thank you  for loving the broken me...
Thank  you  for give  in when you are right and  I am  wrong...
Thank you for  always been there for  me...

Thank you for bearing the crazy  side of me, spoiled side of me.. all sides of me  XP
Thank you for being  my own adviser ..

I am not whole.. Thanks for becoming my other half...

With you.. I love  myself  again.. 
Even the gloomy and cloudy sky,  I can see the brightness of happiness and hope..

It has  been a year  and  I hope I can  say it again next year...
Thank you for coming into my life... XD



Anonymous said…
pheeewwwiittt!!!!romntiknye awk...hehehehehe

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