Omelette Omurice

Jalan2 cari makan lagi... Hari tu makan ni pulak.. Omelette Omurice.. ataupun bahasa kampung dia.. Nasi pataya.. ele pataya je pun... Ahem.. aq nye Japanese stail ok... "Tue pun nak bangga.. " haha =.=

Jadi even korang dah tau yang ni nasi pataya tapi aq nak jugak sharing2 info pasal omurice ni.. XD

Omurice, sometimes spelled "omu-rice" (Japanese: オムライス, Omu-raisu), is an example of contemporary Japanese fusion cuisine(Yōshoku[1]) consisting of an omelette made with fried rice and usually topped with ketchup.[2][3] Omu and raisu being contractions of the English words omelette and rice,[4] the name is a wasei-eigo. It is a popular dish both commonly cooked at home and can be found at many western style diners and izakaya restaurants in Japan. It remained popular in Korea after Japanese occupation ended.[5] It is also a popular dish in many restaurants in South Korea.[6] The dish is also highly popular with children and often featured on okosama-ranchi or kids' menus.[1]

The dish typically consists of chikin raisu (chicken rice: rice pan-fried with ketchup and chicken) wrapped in a thin sheet of fried egg. The ingredients that flavor the rice vary. Often, the rice is fried with various meats (but typically chicken) and/or vegetables, and can be flavored with beef stock, ketchup, demi-glace white sauce or just salt and pepper. Sometimes, the rice is replaced with fried noodles, yakisoba, instead of fried rice, to make omusoba. A variant in Okinawa is omutako, consisting of an omelet over taco rice. Fried hotdog or Spam (food) are also two popular meats to include in the dish.

Omurice is said to have originated around the turn of the 20th century[4] at a western style restaurant in Tokyo's Ginza district called Renga-tei, inspired by chakin-zushi.[7]

taken from

tunjuk gambar sikit...

terliuh x?? terliuh x??? haha

angle lain plak!!!! hah mesti nmpak sedap kan??? :3

hari tu makan kat Food Court J.J Ayer Keroh.. Dalam RM6++ kowt.. x engat.. dah lama dah makan ni
Yang atas ni nama dia.. Omelette Special.. Apa yang special yang ni adalah!!!
Ceh suspen lah konon... Telur dia tu ada campur susu.. Pastu atas nasi tu dia letak keju.. pastu bungkus dengan telur.. Ala dia letak atas nasi je pun haha... Lagi... hah kentang putar dengan sayur tu untuk yang special je.. hehe..

Ok rasa dia pulak!!! Rasa macam nasi goreng lah... Tapi yang sedap dia telur dia rasa susu.. Pastu ada rasa keju2 sikit.. Konklusinya sedap!!!! Sos dia pun lain dari lain hehe... Saya suka!! :3

yang ni pulak.. omelette yang biasa.. RM5++... Disebabkan dia x special.. telur pun x balut... Rasa macam Pattaya biasa jerk.. So aq recommend yang special.. baru sedap.. yum yum...

yang ni angle lain.. haha oh ya.. dapat sup sekali!!! tapi kalau korang beli x dapat fishcake bunga tu jangan marah.. Kiteowng dapat sebab baik kat makcik tu haha xD

ok!! tu je.. edisi jalan2 cari makan kali ni xD... Nantikan yang lain haha



MeMine said…
best2....sdp...msti cba....
Zazachan said…
bile nak ajak aku makan bnde2 ni?huhu
kei said…
@ cik zaza : boleh jerk kalo nak.. ko bgitau jerk bile

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