Because I Love You....

Did you know??? Because I love you i'm doing all these thing..

I kept on calling you and asking where you are and what are you doing. Sound unimportant but by knowing where you are and what you up to making me feel close to you.

I kept asking you whether you love me or not. I'm afraid you will change your heart and stop loving me.

I seems like talking about myself but honestly i want you to know more about me.

Sometimes i didn't contact you because I'm wondering whether you will miss me.

I feel jealous easily because i'm afraid of losing you.

I may seems childish and spoil but I'm only like that with you.

I like to take your precious item because I know you treasure it and you will remember me when you remember your precious item.

When you feeling down I keep on asking what is wrong with you. It may annoys you but the truth is I want to lifted your burden.

Sometimes when I bump on you I act like I don't know you. The truth is I don't know how to act when other people are looking.

I keep making a fuss for a small thing like not calling me, ignore me and always hang out with your friends. I'm afraid that when you stop calling me you will stop remember me and left me.

I likes to sulking sometimes for days. The truth is I want you to coax me and just say you are sorry or "I love you". That way i know that i'm important in your life.

I keep asking to go out with you. I just want to spent time with you.

When you did not pick up your phone i keep calling and calling until you pick it up. Seriously i'm afraid something happen to you.

When we are talking i prefer to listen to you. I love listen to your voice.

Even you making me mad. I can't hate you.

Because I love you.. I will leave when you no longer need me. Even it will break my heart but i'll go and disappear in your life.

But please I just want to ask you one thing.. If you no longer love me just tell me and stop lying to me.

"If you thinking of leaving me please remember why you love me in the first place"

***meh kene stop wat entry emo2 nie @____@


Zazachan said…
waahhhh!sedih sangat.
kei said…
@cik zaza: dah mcm bunyi sunoko tssk tskk...
hafidzul said…
awt emo bebenor...ish3
kei said…
emo meh?? aq rse semua perempuan pikir mcm tue..
sebab tue perempuan == emo

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