Makeup Review : Mattifying Two Way Cake (Elianto)

I went to Elianto the other day. My mission is to get a lipstick for my mother. It have a combo promotion that 3 stuff for RM49 include the lipstick. It is a great deal and I bought it. The combo include the compact powder. I'm more two way face cake kinda girl so I get the two way face cake. 

Anyway the combo also include the casing. Above is the casing. the price is RM19 source : elianto. My first impression on the case. Cute!! It have the white pink theme. It looks nice and compact haha. I love that it have a sponge partition that separate the sponge and the powder. It also include the sponge , refer picture below. Usually I get the sponge with the powder refill and in my case the sponge is with the powder case. Seems like if I repurchase the refill I'll not get the sponge. Anyway the sponge is not really good. When I wet it and use it in my face I can feel that the sponge doesn't glide very smoothly. I prefer the sponge I get when I buy the powder refill from Za.

So this is the two way face cake. It have the same flowery design with the case. The sticker that will attach the cake and the case is not really great. It already stick to the box and it hard for me to unattached it and put it at the case. The price for the two way face cake is RM34 source : elianto. Not really cheap but more cheaper than my Za two way face cake.

This is the finish result when I already put it together. Well It look cute haha. Anyway I usually use the two way face cake after BB Cream to set the cream and after using this cake it have a matte finish and it blend well with my skin. I'm sweating a lot and this stuff still there even when I'm sweating. It last almost 5-6 hours but it doesn't really have a great oil control I have to reapply again in the noon. However if I only wear this cake alone, it does cover my redness, pimple and even skin tone. It last more shorter than when I use with BB Cream. Anyway, this cake actually quite good and look good on me.

Pros : 
- have a matte finish
- cover redness and even skin tone when use alone

-the sponge is not great
-does not have a great oil control

Repurchase :
- maybe, depends if it have sale haha

UPDATE: I sort of really like this product even it not really a good oil control but it really last a very long time. It will stay till the end of the day, it will look oily but not messy and not disappear. It make me confident when I have a really important day. 


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